Banking & Finance

BBIMCO Company manages and runs a full banking and finance system. A non seasonal and seasonal banking, a non-conventional and conventional banking, non regular and regular finance system.

BBIMCO Company observes and examines its environment and notice that people are in poverty. To enhance a better live for the people, BBIMCO company comes with financing that can better the living hold of the people, and bring wealth to the people.

BBIMCO Company gives loans, teach and manages loans for clients, so the will be no defaultment, but profitability and better lives for the clients.

BBBIMCO Company deals with IPO(Initial Public Offerings), we buy and sell Stocks, and bonds, Certified deposits, regular savings and banking deposits.

BBIMCO Company observes, obeys and follows all the regulations put by PRUDENTIAL and BEAC.

BBIMCO is truthful, honest and transparent in financing. BBIMCO Company gives you monthly financial updates.

BBIMCO creates a premium for pre-insurance loans, so that loans can be manage well and avoid risk and defaultment.

Faithful and endeavor customers, BBIMCO creates a line of credit for them to run their financial activities for up to 10% annual.

BBIMCO Company grants petit loans or overdraft for home equity, for devoted clients.

BBIMCO Company offers refinance to its customers to encourage their business and bring better living hold in their business.

BBIMCO Company provides opportunities for stand by and revolving accounts. Most suppliers have difficulties and obstacles in doing their business and meeting dates and time because of finance, but BBBIMCO Company has realized the inability of the suppliers to run their business by creating a revolving and standby account, so the will be able to sponsor their projects and meet time dates and be able to satisfy their contractors.